I have lived in Rome for a long time. I know where to find great restaurants and coffee and where to shop for the best souvenirs. Looking for answers to those kinds of travel questions is probably how you found me.
Over the years my list of useful information has extended beyond recommendations for the best pasta and gelato and tour guides. Here is my Rome Toolkit. It is a broad collection that includes everything from who to call for a medical emergency to what apps you need to download to where to get a great blowout.
Americans should register with the State Department STEP program before their trip. Hopefully, you will not need any US Embassy consular services. This is my regular reminder to check your passport expiration date.
English Speaking Medical Care in Rome
No one wants to get sick on vacation but if you do here is the information you need.
For a real emergency, call an ambulance and go to the hospital.
General Emergency: 113
Ambulance: 118
Police (Carabinieri): 112
Fire (Vigili del fuoco): 115
For something like a broken tooth, sprained ankle or a UTI here are a few options.